You suck. Ok, not really. You rock. It's just that the French selections around here suck. And why am I especially rantful about this right now? Because Merwan Rim has a new cd due out on Monday (but it's already being sold in some stores across France...don't worry, he knows). And guess what? I can't get it. I mean I COOOULD order it on Amazon. But I don't like dealing with real-virtual money. Even in the form of gift cards. I guess I might cave in on this one though. He released the music to this one website so that they could play it and people could hear the entire's so gooood! And I used to be ehh about his voice because it's pretty high, mind you it's no where NEAR Christophe Willem's O.o, but it's so pretty...and clear. It's like glass. And he did a song in English. In English! Can you believe it? You wanna know what's even more surprising? His English is practically perfect. You seriously can't tell he's French when he sings in English! And some people you can, especially if they other wise don't speak a lick of it. And so, I've come to the conclusion that Merwan knows English pretty darn well. Where am I even going with this??? yeah...he did a song in English and it's good...VERY good. And I mean, he's not a bad looking guy. He's like the kind of French guy that you would be very happy to meet at a club one night on spring break in Paris. Or whatever. You know what I mean? So either he needs to start singing more English to get his music over here, or Americans need to wake up and smell the café au lait!

Café au lait.
Merwan Rim.
I'll take both please!
By the way, his hair isn't cut that way, it's actually longish (not freakishly long, but long) so he keeps it pulled back. It's like he wants to be a rebel but is afraid to be one....