Friday, May 18, 2012

This sucks.

So, last night I was laying on the couch thinking "I'll get up and do my homework in about 5 minutes."

I fell asleep. So here I am. 5:30 am. Doing my homework. (And blogging, but that's beside the point.) Oh, and I'm exhausted. Can't wait til today is over.
Crap, math final today. So I might die. Well that's not sooooo bad is it?
Hmmm...which part of Biology homework should I skip-- worse case scenario of course, I'm planning on getting it all done.
English homework will be done in English class. Thankfully my teacher is pretty awesome. Darn. I really need to get started on that essay this weekend.

Oh, need to find papers for mom to sign for senior project. Uck. All of this "teenager" stuff really sucks!

Time for music and biology and a banana!!!! (Those exclamation points were for the banana, mostly. And the music.)

Oh! I had this horrible dream last night with this evil butterfly! So, last year in Biology we raised butterflies and I had a dream we did that again. But mine was so mean! I was wearing this shirt and she apparently thought it was a plant because it was green. But she was BITING ME! And it hurt! And I kept telling her to stop and that it wasn't nice and she was like "I'm going to suck your brain out!" So I took her back to class and I was like "Here! Take her before I kill her before she kills me!" And so we stuck her in a jar. The other butterflies were much nicer. And then this kid in my class didn't believe that she was evil and so he wanted to let her out of the jar. But I wouldn't let him.

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