Thursday, November 10, 2011

Bones Season 7, Episode 2

This episode is awesome.
New intern. Baby's gender. Bones acting like Booth. Awesome body.


Ok, well. To start off. What a cool body. Half devoured by naked rats. Snake hiding in the lower half. And even better? The following quote is from the victim's husband: "I once saw her stick a 12 foot wiener in her mouth." No, she isn't a prostitute. She was a competitive eater. 

Next, new intern. This Finn person...seems like an innocent southern boy genius at first...but I don't think it stops there. He has a criminal past. And it's not just a little joy ride here, a shoplifting incident there like he lets on. He attacked his step father with a hunting knife. Then, the step dad disappeared. DUN DUN DUUUN!!! I think that he is going to become an interesting character this season. Maybe even villain? Ok. So I guess he didn't kill his step dad. And he actually seems like a pretty cool guy. So maybe he isn't the new villain.

BEST NEWS EVER!!! I WAS RIGHT!!! It's a girl!!!! Little Hodgins and Little Bones, sitting in a tree.... I am even more excited now. This is going to be such a great season!!! 

Did I mention shocking but awesome snake up chuck? 


1 comment:

  1. Oh gosh...the font color is all messed up O.O

    *whispers* Hello viewers!!!! ♥
