Tuesday, November 8, 2011

*Pulling hair out, throwing a fit, sharpening a knife while glaring at a picture of a particular person who shall be left unnamed* I'm mad. Can't you tell?

So. Today started out GREAT. Last night I exercised and stretched before bed and went to bed early. I woke up this morning and felt better than usual. School day was going fine and then BAM. Horrible day.
What happened, you ask? Oh, nothing much. I just found out that I REALLY can't trust one of my friends.

Ok, so drama competition is next Saturday. I've been fully memorized, ready to get blocking done and just polish things up. My "partner," on the other hand, is not. We've had this script for AT LEAST a month. If not two. My partner's excuse is that she "get's nervous in front of people" or "blanks out." I understand both of those. But if that's the case then why is it that she can't get through ONE run through when it's just the two of us with no one watching? Oh, that's right, because she's NOT MEMORIZED.
And as if that wasn't stressful enough, today our teacher told us that we have 2 too many groups in our category. SO NEXT CLASS all of the groups in that category are going to get up and perform our pieces in front of the class and he will pick the 4 groups that will go to competition. Guess who it's not going to be. If you guessed "you and your partner" you would be correct.

But it doesn't stop there, oh no. Now I have to find a 5-8 minute monologue and have it ready to go by next Saturday. Isn't that just lovely? Thankfully I've found one. Now I just have to start memorizing it.


So I don't know about the rest of you, but when I ask a question such as "about how far is it to _________?" I just want a generalization. I DON'T CARE HOW I'M GETTING THERE. I don't care if I'm in a car, on a bus or on freaking roller blades. I DON'T CARE ABOUT TRAFFIC. It doesn't matter if the rest of the world is dead, or if they're all going to the same place I am. So when I ask such a question you should answer with "about _______ minutes/hours/days/weeks/etc." and then just SHUT UP. Don't say "but we'll be on a bus so it might be longer." Don't say "but there might be some traffic." And DO NOT get all pissy with me when I tell you "I don't care about that stuff. All I want is a general distance." I don't care about what you were "just say'n" or "just letting you know." All I want is a freaking generalization. Is that so hard? You seem to do everything else half way, why does something this simple need such a huge explanation?
And when I tell you that I don't care about all of that other stuff, don't continue to argue that you were "just say'n." I don't give a crap. Get it? Just shut up and I'll stop having to tell you that I don't care about all of the variables. Faster you shut up about it, the faster I do.

Oh, and the biggest pet peeve of mine when it comes to situations like this? Saying "OKAY! GOSH!" Because all that does is piss me off.

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