Health Class: George and Georgetta were a very frugal couple and they hated spending more money than they thought necessary. So when George died Georgetta decided it would be nice to put an obituary in the paper. She called up the newspaper and asked how much it would be. The man told her they started at $25 and went up from there. So she said "Ok, well I'll just go with the $25 one. I want it to say 'George is dead.'" And then the man told her "Well for $25 you get 6 words." So she said "Ok...'George is dead, Toyota for sale.'"
Psychology: (Teacher's name is Mr. Snow) "It's so hot in here, I better open the door or Mr. Snow might melt!"
"I thought about being a dentist, but I thought I wouldn't have the patients."
I'm sure there were a couple of cheesey ones in Spanish and Theater. But these 3 were the ones that made me think "Facepalm!"
All in all, a great first day of school. OH! And there is a kid in my Spanish class with the last name of Booth. Win? I think so! (Although, he is NO WHERE CLOSE to Booth's hotness.)
Monday, August 22, 2011
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Grammar Nazi Fail.
Found this while skimming a forum:
(Background info: Apparently two of the people were arguing about something extremely stupid, which was really just a misunderstanding caused by someone not being smart enough to figure out that there is a quote button. Then another person was telling them to stop arguing and get back onto the real topic. Personally I think that person had every right to tell them to stop arguing.)
*Names are being dotted out.
First Arguing Person: (After saying rude someone thought he was talking to them and he still hadn't figured out the quote button and said this) Not you. B...... & his spamming link.
Second Arguing Person/Grammar Nazi: Exuse me You know you can get reported for this beacuse this is getting annoying.
G.... 1 page back you said of with this topic. Know this is getting on my nerves!!!
Sensible Person: JUST STOP ARGUING and lets talk about setra*. I love the suberbia part of the city, and the china town.
*Setra is a city that the creator of the thread is building, it's the topic of the thread.
Second Arguing Person/Grammar Nazi:
Listern m.......! to start with this is nothing to do with you! Furthermore i said of with this topic and you are just getting involved making matters worst. And you cant tell anyone what to do or get involved in anyone elses buisness beacuse you are not very good using your grammer correctly and you are just looking for trouble!
Lets END this topic NOW whilst you this is getting many people angry!!!!
Ok, now let's count the mistakes in Grammar Nazi's posts. I counted about 12.
How about Sensible Person's post? 2. One was a capitalization error and one was a misspelled word. I also looked at his next post and saw maybe one error and all that was was a missing comma. Missing comma or 12 spelling and other grammar errors. Who do you think has the grammar problems?
(Background info: Apparently two of the people were arguing about something extremely stupid, which was really just a misunderstanding caused by someone not being smart enough to figure out that there is a quote button. Then another person was telling them to stop arguing and get back onto the real topic. Personally I think that person had every right to tell them to stop arguing.)
*Names are being dotted out.
First Arguing Person: (After saying rude someone thought he was talking to them and he still hadn't figured out the quote button and said this) Not you. B...... & his spamming link.
Second Arguing Person/Grammar Nazi: Exuse me You know you can get reported for this beacuse this is getting annoying.
G.... 1 page back you said of with this topic. Know this is getting on my nerves!!!
Sensible Person: JUST STOP ARGUING and lets talk about setra*. I love the suberbia part of the city, and the china town.
*Setra is a city that the creator of the thread is building, it's the topic of the thread.
Second Arguing Person/Grammar Nazi:
Listern m.......! to start with this is nothing to do with you! Furthermore i said of with this topic and you are just getting involved making matters worst. And you cant tell anyone what to do or get involved in anyone elses buisness beacuse you are not very good using your grammer correctly and you are just looking for trouble!
Lets END this topic NOW whilst you this is getting many people angry!!!!
Ok, now let's count the mistakes in Grammar Nazi's posts. I counted about 12.
How about Sensible Person's post? 2. One was a capitalization error and one was a misspelled word. I also looked at his next post and saw maybe one error and all that was was a missing comma. Missing comma or 12 spelling and other grammar errors. Who do you think has the grammar problems?
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Why it's important to read the entire question.
Have you ever asked someone something through a text/email/IM and they only answered part of your question? Or worse, they decided that the background info wasn't important and so they give you an answer that you already know isn't correct? I, for one, find this VERY annoying. When a person asks a question they want an answer, yes, but they also want a correct answer. You can't give a correct answer if you don't take the time to read all of the details.
The most recent example I've come across was in a forum for a game...Ok, I might as well say it: The Sims 3. The asker wanted to know if they could find an item from one of the expansion packs WITHOUT said expansion. This was clearly stated in their original post. And then someone tells them "Oh, you can find that item in buydebug mode." Yeah, they could, if they had the expansion for it. Now I don't know if this person truly thought that the asker had access to the item even without the expansion, or if they were just too lazy to actually read the post. But I'm betting they were too lazy to read the post.
Ok, now for those of you who the above example made absolutely no sense to:
"Hey, I'm trying to find a new book and I've looked EVERYWHERE for it. I've checked Walmart, Target, Borders, Barns and Noble, Hastings, EVERYWHERE. Do you have any idea who might be carrying it? It's already been released. It's called Kaps in Kopper*."
Bad answer: "Have you checked Walmart?"
Really bad answer: "Haven't heard of it but I know that Borders has like every book ever made."
Now why are these bad answers? Hm, lets see. "I've checked Walmart, Target, Borders, Barns and Noble, Hastings..." See it now? The asker already stated that they checked those two places. So you are just being annoying and wasting their time.
But what happens if you HAVE seen it at one of those places? Just say "I saw it at Target, maybe they sold out. I would check back again next week." What makes this a good answer? Because you SAW the book there. You KNOW that it was there at one point.
What happens if you have no idea what they're talking about? Don't be annoying and comment on something that you don't know anything about. Saying things like "What's that?" or "Huh?" just make you sound idiotic and kind of rude. Just say "Haven't seen it anywhere." Or if you want to be nice you could say "Haven't seen it yet, but I'll keep an eye out for you."
Maybe some stupid answer givers will see this and learn, READ THE WHOLE QUESTION FIRST. Or face looking like an idiot.
*Not a real book.
The most recent example I've come across was in a forum for a game...Ok, I might as well say it: The Sims 3. The asker wanted to know if they could find an item from one of the expansion packs WITHOUT said expansion. This was clearly stated in their original post. And then someone tells them "Oh, you can find that item in buydebug mode." Yeah, they could, if they had the expansion for it. Now I don't know if this person truly thought that the asker had access to the item even without the expansion, or if they were just too lazy to actually read the post. But I'm betting they were too lazy to read the post.
Ok, now for those of you who the above example made absolutely no sense to:
"Hey, I'm trying to find a new book and I've looked EVERYWHERE for it. I've checked Walmart, Target, Borders, Barns and Noble, Hastings, EVERYWHERE. Do you have any idea who might be carrying it? It's already been released. It's called Kaps in Kopper*."
Bad answer: "Have you checked Walmart?"
Really bad answer: "Haven't heard of it but I know that Borders has like every book ever made."
Now why are these bad answers? Hm, lets see. "I've checked Walmart, Target, Borders, Barns and Noble, Hastings..." See it now? The asker already stated that they checked those two places. So you are just being annoying and wasting their time.
But what happens if you HAVE seen it at one of those places? Just say "I saw it at Target, maybe they sold out. I would check back again next week." What makes this a good answer? Because you SAW the book there. You KNOW that it was there at one point.
What happens if you have no idea what they're talking about? Don't be annoying and comment on something that you don't know anything about. Saying things like "What's that?" or "Huh?" just make you sound idiotic and kind of rude. Just say "Haven't seen it anywhere." Or if you want to be nice you could say "Haven't seen it yet, but I'll keep an eye out for you."
Maybe some stupid answer givers will see this and learn, READ THE WHOLE QUESTION FIRST. Or face looking like an idiot.
*Not a real book.
Friday, August 12, 2011
I hate it when...
I hate it when I think too much at night and then I can't sleep.
I hate it when my computer decides to randomly allow a porn pop up.
I hate it when you are online late at night and you'd really like to talk to a specific person and they are sleeping.
I hate it when my computer decides to randomly allow a porn pop up.
I hate it when you are online late at night and you'd really like to talk to a specific person and they are sleeping.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
So when I was younger I loved Legos. My grandma had the bigger ones, in fact I don't even know if they were actual Lego brand, and my cousins and I would build towers all the way up to the ceiling! Or at least until we ran out of blocks...and that sound they made when they came crashing down, who doesn't love that sound? (I'll tell ya who, Gracie, that's who. Because she hasn't experienced the wonders of Legos.) We would make little cities or old tombs for our little Lego people to explore. Sadly this particular set didn't include any cars so we would normally build our own and pretend they had wheels. Until, that is, Grandma bought some new Legos that had cars and animals! That was our favorite toy to play with because everyone could be involved. We would all layout a basic (VERY basic) foundation, dubbing random blocks the "toilet" and "stove."
Then I got older and moved away from Legos a bit and more into Barbies and other dolls.
But now...OMG! There are so many different types of Legos!!
Now, I know what you're thinking. "You're old enough to be keeping a blog and yet you still play with Legos?!!" Yes. I am a teen who likes Legos. Because in my generation, for some reason all of the things that were cool when you were five are just as cool now. That and who can't resist exploding Spongebob's pineapple?
So tonight my step sister and I convinced my step mom that we needed a new board game. But when we got to Walmart there wasn't really anything interesting. My step sister is 8, so she isn't into the whole trying to guess a phrase thing that most group games are now days. We did consider Twister, but then we realized there is absolutely no where to set it up in our house. So we started looking at the other toys. Of course the cheap loud toys caught our attention and we were mildly entertained by that. But then we turned a corner and...There it was. The Lego aisle. Did you know they have entire Lego cities now? I certainty didn't!! There is this massive (for a Lego set it was massive) Police Station....we were in love. Only problem? $100. Sooo we decided that's going on the Christmas list. There were a bunch of vehicles. Some police vehicles, an awesome fire truck, this AMAZING air port!!! And a really cool police boat that looks like it floats in water...we weren't sure though. There were also Lego Creator sets. Basically it's 3 sets in one. My favorite one of those sets was the lighthouse. It could be a, get this, WORKING lighthouse, a boat launch station/dock, or a whale watching building. My step sister was in love with the Lego seagulls it came with (she has this thing for seagulls, I don't get it). And then we saw the ALIEN stuff!! My favorite one out of that collection was the UFO that was abducting a little farmer guy hahaha And there was also a brain sucking alien in one of the sets! (Ok, so I'm sure it's called something else, but it sure did look like he was sucking the guy's brains out.)
We had so many choices we didn't know what to get! We finally decided on the Police boat and the rest is on various birthday and Christmas lists. (Thankfully my step sis's birthday is less than a month away. We're hoping for the Police Station and Criminal Transport Vehicle as we realized there was no where to put the bad guy after we caught him.) We also told my step mom to buy herself and my dad one for their birthdays and then just give it to us.
Oh, we also left the store with some Play-Doh and a word scramble thing that my step mom wanted.
When we got home the real fun began! We cleared off the coffee table to have a good construction site that would hopefully make it easier to not lose any important pieces. When we took the hull of the boat out we discovered it was in one piece. Which is both good and not as good. It's good because it means it's water tight and should float. It's not good because that's like an hours worth of fun building time. We started constructing our boat and everything was going great. Until dinner time. We only had about a handful of pieces left but we had to stop. Then right after dinner was swim lessons for my step sister. I went along so I wouldn't be tempted to finish the boat. We completed our build and got a little play time in before bed. Can't wait to try it out in the tub tomorrow! It came with 3 people, 2 cops and 1 criminal. Two little hatches that will open up, one of which is big enough for the jet ski. Two life vests and some scuba gear, and of course the jet ski. I for one, think this definitely constitutes as a fair and amazing Lego pack. Now if only we can complete the town....
Here are some pictures of mentioned sets and possibly unmentioned, but still mention worthy, sets:
I love Legos. Plain and simple.
No it has nothing to do with Bones but it seems more people read my other posts if I tag Bones in them. If you don't like it...TOO BAD >:)
Then I got older and moved away from Legos a bit and more into Barbies and other dolls.
But now...OMG! There are so many different types of Legos!!
Now, I know what you're thinking. "You're old enough to be keeping a blog and yet you still play with Legos?!!" Yes. I am a teen who likes Legos. Because in my generation, for some reason all of the things that were cool when you were five are just as cool now. That and who can't resist exploding Spongebob's pineapple?
So tonight my step sister and I convinced my step mom that we needed a new board game. But when we got to Walmart there wasn't really anything interesting. My step sister is 8, so she isn't into the whole trying to guess a phrase thing that most group games are now days. We did consider Twister, but then we realized there is absolutely no where to set it up in our house. So we started looking at the other toys. Of course the cheap loud toys caught our attention and we were mildly entertained by that. But then we turned a corner and...There it was. The Lego aisle. Did you know they have entire Lego cities now? I certainty didn't!! There is this massive (for a Lego set it was massive) Police Station....we were in love. Only problem? $100. Sooo we decided that's going on the Christmas list. There were a bunch of vehicles. Some police vehicles, an awesome fire truck, this AMAZING air port!!! And a really cool police boat that looks like it floats in water...we weren't sure though. There were also Lego Creator sets. Basically it's 3 sets in one. My favorite one of those sets was the lighthouse. It could be a, get this, WORKING lighthouse, a boat launch station/dock, or a whale watching building. My step sister was in love with the Lego seagulls it came with (she has this thing for seagulls, I don't get it). And then we saw the ALIEN stuff!! My favorite one out of that collection was the UFO that was abducting a little farmer guy hahaha And there was also a brain sucking alien in one of the sets! (Ok, so I'm sure it's called something else, but it sure did look like he was sucking the guy's brains out.)
We had so many choices we didn't know what to get! We finally decided on the Police boat and the rest is on various birthday and Christmas lists. (Thankfully my step sis's birthday is less than a month away. We're hoping for the Police Station and Criminal Transport Vehicle as we realized there was no where to put the bad guy after we caught him.) We also told my step mom to buy herself and my dad one for their birthdays and then just give it to us.
Oh, we also left the store with some Play-Doh and a word scramble thing that my step mom wanted.
When we got home the real fun began! We cleared off the coffee table to have a good construction site that would hopefully make it easier to not lose any important pieces. When we took the hull of the boat out we discovered it was in one piece. Which is both good and not as good. It's good because it means it's water tight and should float. It's not good because that's like an hours worth of fun building time. We started constructing our boat and everything was going great. Until dinner time. We only had about a handful of pieces left but we had to stop. Then right after dinner was swim lessons for my step sister. I went along so I wouldn't be tempted to finish the boat. We completed our build and got a little play time in before bed. Can't wait to try it out in the tub tomorrow! It came with 3 people, 2 cops and 1 criminal. Two little hatches that will open up, one of which is big enough for the jet ski. Two life vests and some scuba gear, and of course the jet ski. I for one, think this definitely constitutes as a fair and amazing Lego pack. Now if only we can complete the town....
Here are some pictures of mentioned sets and possibly unmentioned, but still mention worthy, sets:
The 3-in-one Lighthouse/Whale Watching/Boat launch set |
Our Police Boat- Isn't it epic?? |
Isn't this the coolest Police Station ever??? There is even grass!!!! |
The one-eyed thing is the brain sucker. |
I love Legos. Plain and simple.
No it has nothing to do with Bones but it seems more people read my other posts if I tag Bones in them. If you don't like it...TOO BAD >:)
Monday, August 8, 2011
Sarcasm and the Internet
Sarcasm doesn't travel well through text. Plain and simple. But here are some tips to help:
1. Be obvious with your sarcasm. When talking the tone is the obvious part, but when you type you can't really get your tone across. Use formatting to your advantage. Underline, italicize, or bold certain words to get it across to the readers that you are being sarcastic.
Ex: I'm just so excited to be going back to school.
2. Use emoticons. Even though not all websites have animated ones you should at least know how to make a smile or a wink.
Ex: I'm just so excited to be going back to school. ;)
3. Saying "haha", "jk" and "lol" may seem cliche, but they lighten the tone of your post.
Ex: I'm just so excited to be going back to school. hahahaha
4. Don't be too serious. When talking to someone you can act serious with your sarcasm and it will still come across as sarcastic. But on the internet it's a lot better to be silly with your sarcasm.
Ex: Oh yes, everyone just loves going to school so much!
Anti-Ex: Person 1- The people at my school are really nice.
Sarcastic Person- Oh, so I'm mean now.
As you can see in the anti-example, accusing someone of calling you a name is way too serious to come across as sarcastic. It will just cause confusion and an argument. (Believe it or not, I've seen this.)
5. Combine tactics!
Ex: I just love it when I have to get up at 6 am! ;) lol
Using these simple 5 tips I'm sure you'll be avoiding forum fights and comment flames in no time!
And to make this related to Bones: V King of Sarcasm right there, folks.
1. Be obvious with your sarcasm. When talking the tone is the obvious part, but when you type you can't really get your tone across. Use formatting to your advantage. Underline, italicize, or bold certain words to get it across to the readers that you are being sarcastic.
Ex: I'm just so excited to be going back to school.
2. Use emoticons. Even though not all websites have animated ones you should at least know how to make a smile or a wink.
Ex: I'm just so excited to be going back to school. ;)
3. Saying "haha", "jk" and "lol" may seem cliche, but they lighten the tone of your post.
Ex: I'm just so excited to be going back to school. hahahaha
4. Don't be too serious. When talking to someone you can act serious with your sarcasm and it will still come across as sarcastic. But on the internet it's a lot better to be silly with your sarcasm.
Ex: Oh yes, everyone just loves going to school so much!
Anti-Ex: Person 1- The people at my school are really nice.
Sarcastic Person- Oh, so I'm mean now.
As you can see in the anti-example, accusing someone of calling you a name is way too serious to come across as sarcastic. It will just cause confusion and an argument. (Believe it or not, I've seen this.)
5. Combine tactics!
Ex: I just love it when I have to get up at 6 am! ;) lol
Using these simple 5 tips I'm sure you'll be avoiding forum fights and comment flames in no time!
And to make this related to Bones: V King of Sarcasm right there, folks.
Sunday, August 7, 2011
First Impressions.
First impressions are REALLY important especially when you are talking person to person. But what about your first impression of a store. Are you the kind of person who will have one bad experience and then never go again, or do you give them a second chance?
I personally will give a place a second chance purely because in a store setting you are dealing with different people almost everyday and they are always putting new products on the shelves. I do understand if they don't carry a brand that you don't like, but when you start comparing to another store when they carry the EXACT same brands, are you being too harsh?
I know someone who will have one bad experience and just never want to touch the place with a ten foot pole ever again. I personally think she just needs to put the past in the past and give things another shot. Especially when you are talking about a store.
One thing I really don't like is when people will compare two different stores by saying "Well such and such place has this and the other place doesn't." Um, have you actually looked? This place has that and MORE. Of course everyone has different preferences when it comes to shopping. But I still think that just because you have one bad experience you should give the place another go.
It's like food. Just because you have a bad steak at one restaurant doesn't mean you hate steak. It just means that place doesn't have that great of steak. If you have a bad experience with one store clerk or one brand, it doesn't mean that store is the worst store in the world. You should still try it again.
Ok, worst analogy ever. But you get my point.
I personally will give a place a second chance purely because in a store setting you are dealing with different people almost everyday and they are always putting new products on the shelves. I do understand if they don't carry a brand that you don't like, but when you start comparing to another store when they carry the EXACT same brands, are you being too harsh?
I know someone who will have one bad experience and just never want to touch the place with a ten foot pole ever again. I personally think she just needs to put the past in the past and give things another shot. Especially when you are talking about a store.
One thing I really don't like is when people will compare two different stores by saying "Well such and such place has this and the other place doesn't." Um, have you actually looked? This place has that and MORE. Of course everyone has different preferences when it comes to shopping. But I still think that just because you have one bad experience you should give the place another go.
It's like food. Just because you have a bad steak at one restaurant doesn't mean you hate steak. It just means that place doesn't have that great of steak. If you have a bad experience with one store clerk or one brand, it doesn't mean that store is the worst store in the world. You should still try it again.
Ok, worst analogy ever. But you get my point.
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Cute or creepy?
As I was skimming through some pictures on Google, I came across a picture of a baby in a highchair with red hair. Now something was off about this baby. Let's see if you can spot it:
That's right. That "baby" is a doll. But what I found really odd was that it wasn't a little girl's baby doll. But an adult woman's doll. Now I'm not saying this is wrong and unnatural, as the mothering instinct is very natural for women, but is this going a bit too far?
I went to the website that this picture was from and it was a forum of other people with similar dolls. They are known as reborn dolls.
Some of the dolls are actually quite adorable, but I can't see them as being used as anymore than for photography.
So, what's your take on it? Cute, or a little too out of the ordinary?
I went to the website that this picture was from and it was a forum of other people with similar dolls. They are known as reborn dolls.
Some of the dolls are actually quite adorable, but I can't see them as being used as anymore than for photography.
So, what's your take on it? Cute, or a little too out of the ordinary?
Monday, August 1, 2011
Well, it's here.
So it's August. Starting this month students are going to be going back to school.
I'm looking forward to this school year. Hopefully it will be full of fun and surprises. But the thing I'm not looking forward to is the early mornings and the school food. Yuck!
I have a feeling that this school year is going to by very fast, just like this summer did. I have mixed feelings about that. On one hand, I can't wait to graduate. On the other hand, graduation means change. Friends will be moving out of state to go to various colleges, we will have work to worry about, and money becomes a bigger thing.
I'm looking forward to the school dances and being with my friends. I'm looking forward to meeting another exchange student. I'm looking forward to *hopefully* having great teachers.
I'm not looking forward to the tests and drama. I'm not looking forward to the stuck up snobs. I'm not looking forward to English class. I'm definitely not looking forward to having to change my schedule.
Maybe I'll get lucky and I'll be able to take both Spanish and French, contrary to what I've been told in the past. Maybe I'll get lucky and there will be some new cute, nice and smart guy. As apposed to the majority the guys.
Well, I hope everyone else is just as excited/nervous/impatient for this school year to get started! Let the countdown....BEGIN!
I'm looking forward to this school year. Hopefully it will be full of fun and surprises. But the thing I'm not looking forward to is the early mornings and the school food. Yuck!
I have a feeling that this school year is going to by very fast, just like this summer did. I have mixed feelings about that. On one hand, I can't wait to graduate. On the other hand, graduation means change. Friends will be moving out of state to go to various colleges, we will have work to worry about, and money becomes a bigger thing.
I'm looking forward to the school dances and being with my friends. I'm looking forward to meeting another exchange student. I'm looking forward to *hopefully* having great teachers.
I'm not looking forward to the tests and drama. I'm not looking forward to the stuck up snobs. I'm not looking forward to English class. I'm definitely not looking forward to having to change my schedule.
Maybe I'll get lucky and I'll be able to take both Spanish and French, contrary to what I've been told in the past. Maybe I'll get lucky and there will be some new cute, nice and smart guy. As apposed to the majority the guys.
Well, I hope everyone else is just as excited/nervous/impatient for this school year to get started! Let the countdown....BEGIN!
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