Sarcasm doesn't travel well through text. Plain and simple. But here are some tips to help:
1. Be obvious with your sarcasm. When talking the tone is the obvious part, but when you type you can't really get your tone across. Use formatting to your advantage. Underline, italicize, or bold certain words to get it across to the readers that you are being sarcastic.
Ex: I'm just so excited to be going back to school.
2. Use emoticons. Even though not all websites have animated ones you should at least know how to make a smile or a wink.
Ex: I'm just so excited to be going back to school. ;)
3. Saying "haha", "jk" and "lol" may seem cliche, but they lighten the tone of your post.
Ex: I'm just so excited to be going back to school. hahahaha
4. Don't be too serious. When talking to someone you can act serious with your sarcasm and it will still come across as sarcastic. But on the internet it's a lot better to be silly with your sarcasm.
Ex: Oh yes, everyone just loves going to school so much!
Anti-Ex: Person 1- The people at my school are really nice.
Sarcastic Person- Oh, so I'm mean now.
As you can see in the anti-example, accusing someone of calling you a name is way too serious to come across as sarcastic. It will just cause confusion and an argument. (Believe it or not, I've seen this.)
5. Combine tactics!
Ex: I just love it when I have to get up at 6 am! ;) lol
Using these simple 5 tips I'm sure you'll be avoiding forum fights and comment flames in no time!
And to make this related to Bones: V King of Sarcasm right there, folks.
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