Monday, August 22, 2011

Lame/Odd/Not funny jokes my teachers told in school today.

Health Class:  George and Georgetta were a very frugal couple and they hated spending more money than they thought necessary. So when George died Georgetta decided it would be nice to put an obituary in the paper. She called up the newspaper and asked how much it would be. The man told her they started at $25 and went up from there. So she said "Ok, well I'll just go with the $25 one. I want it to say 'George is dead.'" And then the man told her "Well for $25 you get 6 words." So she said "Ok...'George is dead, Toyota for sale.'"

Psychology: (Teacher's name is Mr. Snow) "It's so hot in here, I better open the door or Mr. Snow might melt!"
"I thought about being a dentist, but I thought I wouldn't have the patients."

I'm sure there were a couple of cheesey ones in Spanish and Theater. But these 3 were the ones that made me think "Facepalm!"

All in all, a great first day of school. OH! And there is a kid in my Spanish class with the last name of Booth. Win? I think so! (Although, he is NO WHERE CLOSE to Booth's hotness.)

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