You guys....I DID AMAZING!!!!!!! (Especially for my first time doing a monologue at competition.)
And ESPECIALLY considering I got my monologue about 11 days before competition.
For round one I got a 9/10 which is superior.
For round two I got another 9/10 AND I was in the top 3 best performances in that round (albeit I was the third out of top three...BUT STILL!! I MADE TOP THREE!!)
And for round three I got an 8/10 which is an excellent.
Surprisingly the one that I thought I went the slowest on I actually went the fastest on haha Guess I was a bit excited to be done with competition.
AHHHHH!!!! This makes me so happy and gives me sooooo much confidence. And I had really nice judges who gave me great tips. Well...the first judge didn't really give many tips....and she called my voice "very one level, until she warmed up." Which was because of my character, not just me. But oh well, if that's the one critique that bugged me then that's pretty darn good!!
Time to find a monologue for next year!! Sadly next year will be my last :( I'm glad that I've gotten to go these past two years though. It's so much fun! You truly see so many great people who are talented and just plain nice.
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Sunday, November 27, 2011
...So...8-10 more years of this? O.o
Why do I want to major in a science??? I'm having enough trouble with the electron transport chain and what NADH+ and FADH2 have to do with it. And of course there's the whole cyclic photophosphorylation and it's limitations and how plants overcame said limitations. -.-
Thankfully I'm only MINORING in Biology.
Thankfully I'm only MINORING in Biology.
Planning it now.
Well. I've decided. In however many years, I'm going to France. And I'm taking my friend Gracie with me. And we are going to shop. And eat. And be annoying American tourists. And the first thing on our to eat list is this:
This, is the Maé. It is a chocolate covered creme brulee.
This, is the Maé. It is a chocolate covered creme brulee.
What's that? Why yes, it is related to my favorite/the world's hottest French singer/songwriter/stage performer Christophe Maé. Actually, his family owns Pâtisserie Martichon in Carpentras which is where one would find such a sinfully delicious masterpiece. Gracie and I are going to eat these. And not share. So ha. Ha ha.
No idea what it's called, but it's chocolate and it looks amazing.
I will also be taking the world's coolest picture that needs to be perfectly taken: Standing directly under the Eiffel Tower and looking straight up. That is on my bucket list. I NEED that picture. (Knowing me I'll take like ten of them.) Oh, and of course various pictures of the tower all lit up.
And then we are going to do some other stuff...Feel free to add any ideas in the comments!
...Wow...we need to start saving up...
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Ghost Hunters Marathon!
All day today!!! Right now I'm watching probably one of my favorite cases ever. The Moss Beach Distillery. Not because of anything paranormal, but because of how pissed the guys get.
I recommend you watch the marathon. Right now. On Syfy.
...That is all.
I recommend you watch the marathon. Right now. On Syfy.
...That is all.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
So I have a bit of a problem with this video....
IT'S SO ADDICTING TO LISTEN TO! For me...maybe because 3 great guys...3 great voices...The Frenchiness... Not sure exactly.
*Sigh* I love listening to French guys talk....
Christophe Maé, Emmanuel Moire, Merwan Rim, all singing a beautiful song. Not to mention a pretty darn good intro by Christophe.
This is tagged as song of the now I also have to include the song that I was actually going to have as song of the day.
Beautiful play, AMAZING LIGHTS!!!! ARG I'm so jealous of this stage. Not to mention all of the people who got to see the play live..... *grumble grumble grumble*
By the way, I'm pretty sure Monsieur (Maé) earns the best/coolest/omg that must have been the itchiest wig ever!!!! award.
*Sigh* I love listening to French guys talk....
Christophe Maé, Emmanuel Moire, Merwan Rim, all singing a beautiful song. Not to mention a pretty darn good intro by Christophe.
This is tagged as song of the now I also have to include the song that I was actually going to have as song of the day.
Beautiful play, AMAZING LIGHTS!!!! ARG I'm so jealous of this stage. Not to mention all of the people who got to see the play live..... *grumble grumble grumble*
By the way, I'm pretty sure Monsieur (Maé) earns the best/coolest/omg that must have been the itchiest wig ever!!!! award.
Christophe Maé,
Emmanuel Moire,
le roi soleil,
Merwan Rim,
oh la la,
song of the day
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Drama Competition: Results (Part 1)
So, IT WAS AMAZING!!!! I had sooooo much fun!!! Even though I had to wake up early and it was cold on the bus ride there (and back) it was still fantastic. It was a great time to visit with friends and see some other really great performances. I also saw an old friend....though when I say "saw" I mean it literally. Never did get a chance to say hi.
Of course it was nerve wrecking as you walked into each round, but I can honestly say that I was not the worst in any round. We have rules for the competition. There is a minimum and maximum time. In all three rounds there was someone who had a REALLY short piece. Although, when I glanced at the timer after my last round, I became a little worried because my piece was only about 6 minutes...5 is the minimum and that felt like my slowest round. So I might have been too short on the other two rounds.
During the entertainment portion we watched some really great pieces. My favorites were the Unemployed Unicorns ("Let's do a lift!" *guy lifts other guy onto his shoulder* "Lift me higher! Like in Black Swan!" ""I watched that movie with my mom! Such a great family film!""). Those boys were hilarious! And this one about physical changes that happen when you're going through puberty (STD section: "Ew! It smells like you have herpagonnasyphlaids B!!"). Oh, and a student written scene called "Behind the screens." Can't remember any specific quotes from that one, but it was great!
In the end, our school went home with 2 pieces moving on to state, and one piece is a backup. But the exciting part is that one of our state pieces was written by a student, and a 10th grader at that!
Of course it was nerve wrecking as you walked into each round, but I can honestly say that I was not the worst in any round. We have rules for the competition. There is a minimum and maximum time. In all three rounds there was someone who had a REALLY short piece. Although, when I glanced at the timer after my last round, I became a little worried because my piece was only about 6 minutes...5 is the minimum and that felt like my slowest round. So I might have been too short on the other two rounds.
During the entertainment portion we watched some really great pieces. My favorites were the Unemployed Unicorns ("Let's do a lift!" *guy lifts other guy onto his shoulder* "Lift me higher! Like in Black Swan!" ""I watched that movie with my mom! Such a great family film!""). Those boys were hilarious! And this one about physical changes that happen when you're going through puberty (STD section: "Ew! It smells like you have herpagonnasyphlaids B!!"). Oh, and a student written scene called "Behind the screens." Can't remember any specific quotes from that one, but it was great!
In the end, our school went home with 2 pieces moving on to state, and one piece is a backup. But the exciting part is that one of our state pieces was written by a student, and a 10th grader at that!
Friday, November 18, 2011
Drama Competition!!!!
Well, I found my monologue last Tuesday, and tomorrow I perform it in front of three judges. Excited but a little nervous. Though, I think I'll do pretty good. I FINALLY got a chance to perform in front of one of my teachers today. He said that I did really good and gave me some pointers to help out with movement and give the monologue a bit more power. Last ditch practice tonight before bed. Then up and at the school by 6:30 tomorrow morning. It's going to be a loooong day.
Wish me luck! (Only, please say "break a leg" and not "good luck.")
Wish me luck! (Only, please say "break a leg" and not "good luck.")
Monday, November 14, 2011
I am so confused.
So I found some more Christophe Mae songs...but they are so different. They are more...rap-ish. I don't like rap. But I like this. They aren't complete rap. But there are rap-ish parts in them. I don't feeling towards the music is so mixed up. It reminds me more of something that would be on the soundtrack for a movie. It's not bad. But it's so different from the rest of his songs that I've heard. They were all singer/songwriter style and this...isn't.
It's different. But in a's different in that way that isn't bad or amazingly awesome.
Though, kudos to him for doing it. It really shows that he has more of a range.
It's different. But in a's different in that way that isn't bad or amazingly awesome.
Though, kudos to him for doing it. It really shows that he has more of a range.
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Ok, there is now a twitter for the blog. You can find it here:
Please follow, just so I don't feel like a failure ;)
Oh, and you see that little bird there? The one that follows you as you scroll? Yeah, well if you click on him you can share the blog on your twitter or follow me on twitter. And he's just plain cute!
Please follow, just so I don't feel like a failure ;)
Oh, and you see that little bird there? The one that follows you as you scroll? Yeah, well if you click on him you can share the blog on your twitter or follow me on twitter. And he's just plain cute!
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Ok so I have a cookie swap party coming up that I'll be going to, and I need to know what kind of cookies. I'm going to set up a poll right over here---------------------->
Well, somewhere on that side of the page. So please, please, PLEASE answer the poll, even if you are just passing by.
Well, somewhere on that side of the page. So please, please, PLEASE answer the poll, even if you are just passing by.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
New Look
If you've been here before I'm sure you've noticed the new look. If this is your first time...the blog didn't always look like this.
I'm trying out a new look. Not sure how I feel about this one. Might try out a bunch of them before I find one that I'm truly happy with.
Well. That's it for the night. Going to go memorize a monologue now. NIGHT ALL!!!!
(Oh! Just thought of a great post idea...well you'll all have to wait until next time now.)
I'm trying out a new look. Not sure how I feel about this one. Might try out a bunch of them before I find one that I'm truly happy with.
Well. That's it for the night. Going to go memorize a monologue now. NIGHT ALL!!!!
(Oh! Just thought of a great post idea...well you'll all have to wait until next time now.)
Bones Season 7, Episode 2
This episode is awesome.
New intern. Baby's gender. Bones acting like Booth. Awesome body.
Ok, well. To start off. What a cool body. Half devoured by naked rats. Snake hiding in the lower half. And even better? The following quote is from the victim's husband: "I once saw her stick a 12 foot wiener in her mouth." No, she isn't a prostitute. She was a competitive eater.
Next, new intern. This Finn person...seems like an innocent southern boy genius at first...but I don't think it stops there. He has a criminal past. And it's not just a little joy ride here, a shoplifting incident there like he lets on. He attacked his step father with a hunting knife. Then, the step dad disappeared. DUN DUN DUUUN!!! I think that he is going to become an interesting character this season. Maybe even villain? Ok. So I guess he didn't kill his step dad. And he actually seems like a pretty cool guy. So maybe he isn't the new villain.
BEST NEWS EVER!!! I WAS RIGHT!!! It's a girl!!!! Little Hodgins and Little Bones, sitting in a tree.... I am even more excited now. This is going to be such a great season!!!
Did I mention shocking but awesome snake up chuck?
New intern. Baby's gender. Bones acting like Booth. Awesome body.
Ok, well. To start off. What a cool body. Half devoured by naked rats. Snake hiding in the lower half. And even better? The following quote is from the victim's husband: "I once saw her stick a 12 foot wiener in her mouth." No, she isn't a prostitute. She was a competitive eater.
Next, new intern. This Finn person...seems like an innocent southern boy genius at first...but I don't think it stops there. He has a criminal past. And it's not just a little joy ride here, a shoplifting incident there like he lets on. He attacked his step father with a hunting knife. Then, the step dad disappeared. DUN DUN DUUUN!!! I think that he is going to become an interesting character this season. Maybe even villain? Ok. So I guess he didn't kill his step dad. And he actually seems like a pretty cool guy. So maybe he isn't the new villain.
BEST NEWS EVER!!! I WAS RIGHT!!! It's a girl!!!! Little Hodgins and Little Bones, sitting in a tree.... I am even more excited now. This is going to be such a great season!!!
Did I mention shocking but awesome snake up chuck?
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
*Pulling hair out, throwing a fit, sharpening a knife while glaring at a picture of a particular person who shall be left unnamed* I'm mad. Can't you tell?
So. Today started out GREAT. Last night I exercised and stretched before bed and went to bed early. I woke up this morning and felt better than usual. School day was going fine and then BAM. Horrible day.
What happened, you ask? Oh, nothing much. I just found out that I REALLY can't trust one of my friends.
Ok, so drama competition is next Saturday. I've been fully memorized, ready to get blocking done and just polish things up. My "partner," on the other hand, is not. We've had this script for AT LEAST a month. If not two. My partner's excuse is that she "get's nervous in front of people" or "blanks out." I understand both of those. But if that's the case then why is it that she can't get through ONE run through when it's just the two of us with no one watching? Oh, that's right, because she's NOT MEMORIZED.
And as if that wasn't stressful enough, today our teacher told us that we have 2 too many groups in our category. SO NEXT CLASS all of the groups in that category are going to get up and perform our pieces in front of the class and he will pick the 4 groups that will go to competition. Guess who it's not going to be. If you guessed "you and your partner" you would be correct.
But it doesn't stop there, oh no. Now I have to find a 5-8 minute monologue and have it ready to go by next Saturday. Isn't that just lovely? Thankfully I've found one. Now I just have to start memorizing it.
So I don't know about the rest of you, but when I ask a question such as "about how far is it to _________?" I just want a generalization. I DON'T CARE HOW I'M GETTING THERE. I don't care if I'm in a car, on a bus or on freaking roller blades. I DON'T CARE ABOUT TRAFFIC. It doesn't matter if the rest of the world is dead, or if they're all going to the same place I am. So when I ask such a question you should answer with "about _______ minutes/hours/days/weeks/etc." and then just SHUT UP. Don't say "but we'll be on a bus so it might be longer." Don't say "but there might be some traffic." And DO NOT get all pissy with me when I tell you "I don't care about that stuff. All I want is a general distance." I don't care about what you were "just say'n" or "just letting you know." All I want is a freaking generalization. Is that so hard? You seem to do everything else half way, why does something this simple need such a huge explanation?
And when I tell you that I don't care about all of that other stuff, don't continue to argue that you were "just say'n." I don't give a crap. Get it? Just shut up and I'll stop having to tell you that I don't care about all of the variables. Faster you shut up about it, the faster I do.
Oh, and the biggest pet peeve of mine when it comes to situations like this? Saying "OKAY! GOSH!" Because all that does is piss me off.
What happened, you ask? Oh, nothing much. I just found out that I REALLY can't trust one of my friends.
Ok, so drama competition is next Saturday. I've been fully memorized, ready to get blocking done and just polish things up. My "partner," on the other hand, is not. We've had this script for AT LEAST a month. If not two. My partner's excuse is that she "get's nervous in front of people" or "blanks out." I understand both of those. But if that's the case then why is it that she can't get through ONE run through when it's just the two of us with no one watching? Oh, that's right, because she's NOT MEMORIZED.
And as if that wasn't stressful enough, today our teacher told us that we have 2 too many groups in our category. SO NEXT CLASS all of the groups in that category are going to get up and perform our pieces in front of the class and he will pick the 4 groups that will go to competition. Guess who it's not going to be. If you guessed "you and your partner" you would be correct.
But it doesn't stop there, oh no. Now I have to find a 5-8 minute monologue and have it ready to go by next Saturday. Isn't that just lovely? Thankfully I've found one. Now I just have to start memorizing it.
So I don't know about the rest of you, but when I ask a question such as "about how far is it to _________?" I just want a generalization. I DON'T CARE HOW I'M GETTING THERE. I don't care if I'm in a car, on a bus or on freaking roller blades. I DON'T CARE ABOUT TRAFFIC. It doesn't matter if the rest of the world is dead, or if they're all going to the same place I am. So when I ask such a question you should answer with "about _______ minutes/hours/days/weeks/etc." and then just SHUT UP. Don't say "but we'll be on a bus so it might be longer." Don't say "but there might be some traffic." And DO NOT get all pissy with me when I tell you "I don't care about that stuff. All I want is a general distance." I don't care about what you were "just say'n" or "just letting you know." All I want is a freaking generalization. Is that so hard? You seem to do everything else half way, why does something this simple need such a huge explanation?
And when I tell you that I don't care about all of that other stuff, don't continue to argue that you were "just say'n." I don't give a crap. Get it? Just shut up and I'll stop having to tell you that I don't care about all of the variables. Faster you shut up about it, the faster I do.
Oh, and the biggest pet peeve of mine when it comes to situations like this? Saying "OKAY! GOSH!" Because all that does is piss me off.
bad experience,
dumb answers,
hit list,
rude people,
stupid people,
what not to do
Monday, November 7, 2011
Musical addictions are healthy...right?
I'm addicted. To Christophe. *Sigh* It's not my fault his voice is so beautiful.
I think it's time to hear some Emmanuel Moire. I haven't actually heard any of his real songs. Just the ones from Le Roi Soleil. He has a pretty good voice.
Oh iTunes account...why did you have to go so soon?
I think it's time to hear some Emmanuel Moire. I haven't actually heard any of his real songs. Just the ones from Le Roi Soleil. He has a pretty good voice.
Oh iTunes account...why did you have to go so soon?
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Hit list.
There are a few things currently on my hit list.
1. My computer mouse. It's dying. It's messing everything up.
2. AP Biology classes. They suck.
3. Youtube. It keeps freezing.
4. Facebook. When I type I don't want to see | || | | |
5. The person who invented daylight savings. Screw you.
1. My computer mouse. It's dying. It's messing everything up.
2. AP Biology classes. They suck.
3. Youtube. It keeps freezing.
4. Facebook. When I type I don't want to see | || | | |
5. The person who invented daylight savings. Screw you.
Thursday, November 3, 2011
So guess what tonight was? THAT'S RIGHT, WORLD!! BONES SEASON SEVEN!!!
Best parts:
Did you guys see that body? Oh my gosh! That was so gross when the eye oozed all of its eye goo...ewwww
Babyyyy Hodgins!!! Awww what a cutie!!!
I love how Booth always takes pictures of Brennan's embarrassing pregnancy moments XD
Worst part:
When the stupid news decided to interrupt! GAH! That was so stupid! I'm sorry news, but I really don't care about genetically modified produce when I'm watching Bones.
Things that made me go hmmm....:
Did anyone notice that Booth referred to the baby as "him"? Was it a hint? Or just daddy brain? Guess we'll have to wait...but I'm hoping for a little girlfriend for baby Hodgins ;)
Oh, and happy 30th post to me!! Furthest I've ever gone in a blog/journal thing. Ever.
Best parts:
Did you guys see that body? Oh my gosh! That was so gross when the eye oozed all of its eye goo...ewwww
Babyyyy Hodgins!!! Awww what a cutie!!!
I love how Booth always takes pictures of Brennan's embarrassing pregnancy moments XD
Worst part:
When the stupid news decided to interrupt! GAH! That was so stupid! I'm sorry news, but I really don't care about genetically modified produce when I'm watching Bones.
Things that made me go hmmm....:
Did anyone notice that Booth referred to the baby as "him"? Was it a hint? Or just daddy brain? Guess we'll have to wait...but I'm hoping for a little girlfriend for baby Hodgins ;)
Oh, and happy 30th post to me!! Furthest I've ever gone in a blog/journal thing. Ever.
Tonight's the night!
Well, today's the day!!!! Finally after what seemed like forever, BONES RETURNS!!!! I have a feeling this will be an absolutely fantastic episode and the start to a great season. There are two things I'm looking forward to more than anything, babies and villains.
Last season Angela and Hodgins had their baby, so hopefully we'll see more of that little guy. And of course Booth and Brennan's little one.
It's been a while since we've had a really good villain, and I've heard rumors that this season will have a very exciting bad guy.
CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!
Last season Angela and Hodgins had their baby, so hopefully we'll see more of that little guy. And of course Booth and Brennan's little one.
It's been a while since we've had a really good villain, and I've heard rumors that this season will have a very exciting bad guy.
CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
(Yes I know I just made a post about this garçon the other day, but I couldn't resist. This is such a sweet song.) *Could not find a perfect translation, but it's basically about how much he loves his mom.
Again, with Christophe, even if you can't fully understand it, it's a good song.
Again, with Christophe, even if you can't fully understand it, it's a good song.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
i jus losed lyk hlf mi iqu
so i rly shldnt luk at dis stuf cuz it totly mezes up mi brane
stupid trolz
Oh gosh, I think I might have actually used too many letters....O.o
stupid trolz
Oh gosh, I think I might have actually used too many letters....O.o
Wish me luck!! The next month is going to be CA-RA-ZY!
Ok, so today I turned in an essay to hopefully win some money, and maybe even a $30,000 dollar scholarship, yes I really did mean to put four zeros behind that three. It's through the Veterans of Foreign Wars and I had to write an essay about whether or not there is honor in serving in the military. I then had to record me reading it and put it on a CD. Check, and check! All turned in, now just crossing my fingers and hoping for the best.
Last Friday I tried out for the school tell you the truth...I'm not sure if I want the part. I kind of like just being back stage and bossing people around. STAGE MANAGERS......UNITE!!!! But if I get the part I will be very happy...but don't wish me luck on getting the part, please.
Then, on the 17th my school is having the variety show. The drama club/advanced class will be putting on a live performance of Ludo's Love Me Dead music video. (Good song by the way.) I'm kind of a stage manager for that (thanks Mr. Beets....-.-) but I'm not sure how much managing I'll be doing as it's maybe 3 minutes long haha
THEN on the 19th we have drama competition...O.o Hopefully my partner will be all ready to go that day. Just the two of us...she has worse stage fright than I do, and THAT's saying something.
But wait, there's more!
I have to write a four page (double spaced so it's really not very long) science essay. By the end of the month. PLUS I still have to type up my job shadow. Oh joy.
But I'm sure in between all of that stress there will be some fun. (HINT HINT GRACIE. HINT HINT.)
Last Friday I tried out for the school tell you the truth...I'm not sure if I want the part. I kind of like just being back stage and bossing people around. STAGE MANAGERS......UNITE!!!! But if I get the part I will be very happy...but don't wish me luck on getting the part, please.
Then, on the 17th my school is having the variety show. The drama club/advanced class will be putting on a live performance of Ludo's Love Me Dead music video. (Good song by the way.) I'm kind of a stage manager for that (thanks Mr. Beets....-.-) but I'm not sure how much managing I'll be doing as it's maybe 3 minutes long haha
THEN on the 19th we have drama competition...O.o Hopefully my partner will be all ready to go that day. Just the two of us...she has worse stage fright than I do, and THAT's saying something.
But wait, there's more!
I have to write a four page (double spaced so it's really not very long) science essay. By the end of the month. PLUS I still have to type up my job shadow. Oh joy.
But I'm sure in between all of that stress there will be some fun. (HINT HINT GRACIE. HINT HINT.)
*Dies* Oh la la!
Well I haven't posted in QUITE a while because I really haven't had anything to post about. But I've found something, or rather, someone.
This lovely, lovely, LOOOOVELY man's name is Christophe Maé.
What's that? You've never heard of him? Well you likely don't live in France. And neither do I. Which is why, up until now, we have all been sickly deprived from his hottn--ahem, voice. Ok, yeah, we have been pretty sickly deprived from his looks too...BUT THIS BOY CAN SCAT! Did I mention he plays the harmonica? Yeah, that's right. The HARMONICA. Who plays the harmonica these days? This guy, apparently. So let's see...he's very good looking, he has an amazing voice, and he plays more than one instrument (the two that I know of are the guitar and harmonica). So what's missing? Oh...right...he's taken :(
Well, we can still enjoy everything else about him, right?
The following is an amazing play list (if I do say so myself) of some of his songs: If you have low bandwith and youtube takes FOREVER to load, search for the titles of the song, such as "Christophe Maé Dingue, Dingue, Dingue" and then find one that isn't the official video.
Now, I should warn all of you people out there that don't speak a word of French, his songs are in French. But I encourage you to listen to them because even if you can't understand a word he's saying the music is GREAT!
And so I give you...CHRISTOPHE MAÉ!!! *music begins**swooning ensues*
Oh gosh! You poor confused people, I forgot the link!
This lovely, lovely, LOOOOVELY man's name is Christophe Maé.

Well, we can still enjoy everything else about him, right?
The following is an amazing play list (if I do say so myself) of some of his songs: If you have low bandwith and youtube takes FOREVER to load, search for the titles of the song, such as "Christophe Maé Dingue, Dingue, Dingue" and then find one that isn't the official video.
Now, I should warn all of you people out there that don't speak a word of French, his songs are in French. But I encourage you to listen to them because even if you can't understand a word he's saying the music is GREAT!
And so I give you...CHRISTOPHE MAÉ!!! *music begins**swooning ensues*
Oh gosh! You poor confused people, I forgot the link!
I recently received my welcome letter! I was so excited I felt like I was opening an acceptance letter to Hogwarts itself! I've already started going through it and.....well it leaves a lot to be desired. It is pretty cool but it seems a little basic. I do love how there are different levels on each screen and you can zoom in onto each one. But there aren't many interactive objects, and there is NO music. The music was a big disappointment. We all know the famous Harry Potter theme, but that was left out. For a moment I thought I heard some sounds, and then I realized my headphones were "weeking" (a term used in my family to describe guinea pig sounds, it's like a "wheek wheek").
The illustrations are magnificent! But there is so much more that can be done. Hopefully changes will be made within the next few months.
WRITTEN: 8-26-11
I didn't release this upon writing it because I didn't want to give anything away, or discourage anyone.
OMG! I was so wrong! Ok, well not totally wrong, but quite wrong. The first few chapters are very boring and there isn't much to do. Then you start getting to collect little things. THEN you get to Diagon Alley and that's when things start opening up and becoming more interactive. Then once you get to Hogwarts you get sorted into a house. Your house will become very important as you and the other members of your house will earn points. You earn points by doing a ton of different things. The things that can get you the most points are dueling and making potions. Both fun, but both need LOTS of practice. You can also lose points. So be careful.
I love the potion making but it takes FOREVER for the potions to brew. Spell casting can be difficult. If you are a hunt and peck typer then spells will not be your forte.
The chapters themselves go through bursts of really interactive to very little interactions. But always keep your eyes peeled. You'll start off with 500 galleons, you can find more in various chapter. You can also find some potion ingredients that are VERY expensive to buy. You can also find chocolate frog cards. Finding the collectibles can earn you 1 pt each.
I'm quite impressed. Can't wait for Book 2!!
Added November 1: OMG I COMPLETELY FORGOT ABOUT THIS!!!! Fly my pretties! Hehehehehe *logs into pottermore*
The illustrations are magnificent! But there is so much more that can be done. Hopefully changes will be made within the next few months.
WRITTEN: 8-26-11
I didn't release this upon writing it because I didn't want to give anything away, or discourage anyone.
OMG! I was so wrong! Ok, well not totally wrong, but quite wrong. The first few chapters are very boring and there isn't much to do. Then you start getting to collect little things. THEN you get to Diagon Alley and that's when things start opening up and becoming more interactive. Then once you get to Hogwarts you get sorted into a house. Your house will become very important as you and the other members of your house will earn points. You earn points by doing a ton of different things. The things that can get you the most points are dueling and making potions. Both fun, but both need LOTS of practice. You can also lose points. So be careful.
I love the potion making but it takes FOREVER for the potions to brew. Spell casting can be difficult. If you are a hunt and peck typer then spells will not be your forte.
The chapters themselves go through bursts of really interactive to very little interactions. But always keep your eyes peeled. You'll start off with 500 galleons, you can find more in various chapter. You can also find some potion ingredients that are VERY expensive to buy. You can also find chocolate frog cards. Finding the collectibles can earn you 1 pt each.
I'm quite impressed. Can't wait for Book 2!!
Added November 1: OMG I COMPLETELY FORGOT ABOUT THIS!!!! Fly my pretties! Hehehehehe *logs into pottermore*
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