Tuesday, March 27, 2012

New Setup

So I'm really looking for some feedback on this. If you are even just passing through, please oh please give me some feed back! I'm not sure how much I like the dynamic layouts. They are pretty cool but I'm just not sure.
And I no longer have the twitter bird (super sad face) but you can go to the twitter page by clicking on "Twitter" at the top of this page.
Oh, and you can change how it looks. The default is Timeslide but if you click on that drop down there are a few different options.

Note about twitter: I really don't go on there very often, it just posts whenever I post a new blog post on here. And it's linked to my youtube account so every time I like a video it will show up. So be warned, you may get spammed with like 30 French music videos one day. And I won't feel bad if you stop following me. There's only like three followers, so it's ok. I'll forgive you. I understand.

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