Monday, April 16, 2012

I hate adults who...

Patronize me. If you want to seriously get on my bad side, do this.

So I may have mentioned the SAT (or not) but anyways, starting this year my state is paying for all high school juniors (grade 11) to take the SAT which is a standardized academic test that most colleges and universities will require you take. (There is also the ACT and most schools around here will take either one, but others prefer on or the other.)  Am I the only one who thinks this is a fantastic idea? Usually it's like 80 bucks to take. The catch (I guess you could call it that) is that because the state pays for it, it will take place on a school day instead of a Saturday. And because it's such an important test, juniors will be the only ones in the high schools that day. Did I mention this only takes up a day? Good. Now you have the basic background.

So I'm scrolling through facebook and an adult, who has one high school student who is not a junior, is complaining about it. In her original post she says "blah blah blah (for those who plan on taking it)" And so to me it looked like she didn't quite understand that it is now a state requirement. So I simply explained that it IS in fact required by the state and since they are paying for it, it's likely that there will be a lot of students taking it that wouldn't otherwise have a way to pay for it. Again, it's 80 bucks. That's not very cheap. And then she comes back with a completely patronizing comment: "Ahhh but you see , dear one, normally, you go on a Saturday or some such time, and go take the tests. See.. if you want to go to college.. you need to learn to get off your backside and do it yourself. Go..get what you want. We are too busy... teaching you guys that it will be provided for you. WTH? since when? We are taking a day away from school for 1000 other kids to make it easy for 400 others. Yeah.. like that happens in real life.. others than on welfare."

Now let me highlight the parts that I felt to be patronizing. I really should have just highlighted the whole thing. Would that have made any of you this mad? Because I pretty much deleted my comments (that were NOT laced with any sarcasm or rudeness) and then made it so that none of her stuff will show up on my feed. And now, I use a lot of ellipses when I write (especially on the internet) but hers just piss me off even more. And surprisingly, this is an adult I usually look up to and get along with quite well. Now, let's just say, I won't be volunteering to go over to her house anytime soon. 

Oh, and by the way, not only do I have SATs this week, but I have the usual AP Bio and trig homework AND the school play is this week. We still have people who don't know their lines and our platform has started to collapse. All I want is for this week to be over. So that I can go shopping on Sunday with some friends. And then next week is prom, which means I get to party all night with some awesome people ^_^ and then crave grilled cheese sandwiches after the dance haha
After that, Gracie and I seriously need to get a hangout time scheduled. Oh, and I also have my senior project to work on. 

Time for French music and homework. And momma's cookies. And water. I'm thirsty. Then sleep!!

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