Sunday, November 27, 2011

Planning it now.

Well. I've decided. In however many years, I'm going to France. And I'm taking my friend Gracie with me. And we are going to shop. And eat. And be annoying American tourists. And the first thing on our to eat list is this:

This, is the Maé. It is a chocolate covered creme brulee. 

What's that? Why yes, it is related to my favorite/the world's hottest French singer/songwriter/stage performer Christophe Maé. Actually, his family owns Pâtisserie Martichon in Carpentras which is where one would find such a sinfully delicious masterpiece. Gracie and I are going to eat these. And not share. So ha. Ha ha. 

We will also eat this: 
 No idea what it's called, but it's chocolate and it looks amazing. 

I will also be taking the world's coolest picture that needs to be perfectly taken: Standing directly under the Eiffel Tower and looking straight up. That is on my bucket list. I NEED that picture. (Knowing me I'll take like ten of them.) Oh, and of course various pictures of the tower all lit up. 

And then we are going to do some other stuff...Feel free to add any ideas in the comments!

...Wow...we need to start saving up...


  1. You'll love France if you ever go! I've been there twice, and trust me it's something worth all the money. Don't forget to do the perspective shots with the tower to be a true american tourist. xD
